Check availability by calling (541) 367-5629 or email flrvresort@gmail.com today! (Please include your phone number when emailing)
Contact Foster Lake RV Resort Today!
We are located in Foster, Oregon at:
6191 Highway 20 East, Foster, Oregon 97345
Please call 541-367-5629 or email us at flrvresort@gmail.com to check availability or make your reservation now! Note: We do not take online reservations - please call to arrange today!
However you reach out, we look forward to hearing from you!

Ways to Stay

Full or partial hook-ups, Cabins or Studios, there are different ways to enjoy the resort. Explore them all before deciding what to book!
Local Attractions

Close enough to everything but far enough to relax at the lake! Learn more about all of the local attractions that are close by.
Resort Amenities

Foster Lake RV Resort has many reasons to stay on the property. Learn more about all that the resort has to offer!